'The Masked Singer': Season 3 Spoilers, Clues and Our Best Guesses at Secret Identities

ET is on the case with our top theories on the famous faces behind those elaborate masks.

*Caution: Spoilers ahead! (In case the headline wasn't enough of a warning.)

The Masked Singer returns Wednesday the Season 3 grand finale, and we're here to break down all the new clues, dish on the fun spoilers and collect all the hints about the finale three singers who battling it out for the Golden Mask! We're also here to keep track of everyone who's been unmasked, just like we did for season 1, and again for season 2 (where we nailed nearly every prediction).

From hints buried deep in the show's various clue packages to some of the internet's best guesses and aggregated deductions, we're compiling a comprehensive breakdown of every piece of evidence to try and crack the case of who's under each elaborate mask.

As more stars are unmasked as the season continues, ET will update this master list with new clues and theories about the celebrity inside each costume.


Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 1:

1. Starts their clue package at a sound board in a radio station, and we see 23.3 The Wool on a screen.

2. Speaking into a radio mic, The Llama says, "Good morning nerd herd, you're listening to The Wool, where we're all cool, no bull."

3. Says, "I'm here for one reason only: to have a laugh. And what's funnier than a llama?"

4. We see a small jade Buddha sculpture on the desk.

5. We see a pair of playing cards, a Jack of Spades and an Ace of Spades, which could be considered a Black Jack (which feels like a real misdirect to get us to guess Jack Black, but we're not falling for it... yet).

6. We see a vinyl record with the words "Sounds of Seattle" on the cover.

7. Says, "You may call me a Joker, but I'd like to get serious for a minute. The song I'm singing tonight is my favorite track for celebrating love with that special someone. There's nothing quite like getting swept up in its deep, profound lyrics. It's a tune that really gets me in the mood for romance."

8. The Llama and another llama puppet re-enact the clay sculpting scene from Ghost.

9. After his performance, The Llama tells the panel, "This whole costume just spoke to me. It's my vibe and I wear things like this in real life."

-- From Ep. 2

1. Says, "LLama-ste [as in, Namaste] to all my woolly fans in the land."

2. Says, "I'm having such a good time here with my four legs. Now I want to keep the laughs rolling in."

3. We see him playing the accordion to an empty theater.

4. My strategy is to approach this competition the same way I approached my career. For a while, I was spinning my wheels, but then I started to envision my success, and to think on my feet."

5. Says, "I'll be the greatest of all time. The GOAT."

6. Tells the judges that, among his fellow contestants, "I was voted most likely to be near firing Cannons."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Kelsey Grammer, David Spade, Jack Black.

Our Best Guess: It's hard to tell this early on, but we actually think it might be Drew Carey. He's a co-owner of the Seattle Sounders FC, and in general it felt like it could be his style. Additionally, the "near firing cannons" clue could be a reference to his time in the Marine Corps.

And The Star Is...

... Drew Carey! We totally nailed this one. Carey told the judges after being unmasked, "The show looked like a lot of fun and I like having a goof and a lot of laughs... This is a great show! I had a blast. I'm so glad I did it."



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 4:

1. The package is set on a track field and opens up on The Banana napping. We see a cowboy hat on the ground next to him, as well as red, white and blue stripes on the ground.

2. We see a quick shot of a blow fish on the ground.

3. This clue package has a narrative to it, which is weird. We see The Banana "12 Hours Earlier" dancing in a school bus alongside two women made entirely out of lettuce.

4. Says, "Oh no! I'm late for the stage. I can't believe I overdid it late night. You'd think this was my first rodeo."

- Says, "I'm the banana because I'm tough on the outside but a total smoothie on the inside and a hoot to have at parties."

5. We see a blue collar.

-- From Episode 5:

1. Says, "I never knew how cathartic becoming The Banana would be, so making it to the Group B championships is sounding more and more a-peeling."

2. There's a sign on the wall that reads "Bananagement Management."

3. We see a digital alarm clock. It reads "2:13 pm" and the "Month/Date" is set to "6/8" with an alarm set to "9:15."

4. Says, "I don't want to slip up, so when my team called me in for a meeting, I was like, 'Git 'er done!'"

5. Says, "I walked in, and these guys are nervous."

6. We see someone wearing black cowboy boots.

7. On the wall behind The Banana, we see a poster for different TV shows including "Sons Of Bananarchy" and "Banana CHIPS"

8. Says, "I said, 'Spit it out. You don't gotta hold my hand!' Finally, they say, 'Look, we have some concerns about your shelf life. So we think you could use a rebrand."

9. They show him a computer screen with a snake as a desktop image. And then a powerpoint presentation called "Banana Needs a Rebrand."

10. One of the rebranding suggestions is to "Star in your own show on cable." The image shows a mock-up for a series called "Banana Is the New Snack."

11. Says, "I've heard enough! I may be high in carbs, I may have a few bruises, but I'm still here after all these years. So tonight, I'm embracing my flaws and rocking out as my authentic self."

12. We see a clock on the wall that also reads 2:13 pm.

13. The Banana said his favorite subject in school was Art."It has gotten me through some of the toughest times in my life and I've had quite a few," The Banana said. "And tonight, even though I forgot half the lyrics, I was having the time of my life, forgetting about the troubles and having a good time."

-- From Episode 5:

1. Before the clue package even begins, we see him pranking two of the show's Men In Black with whoopee cushions.

2. Says, "I'm loving performing as The Banana, but last week I had a little setback."

3. Says, "My memory's not what it used to be, but I'm a real driven banana. Don't believe me? As these two lovely ladies."

4. We see two outlines of what appear to be other bananas, who are called the "Banana Fam." It looks like they're in "witness protection," as Ken jokes.

5. When asked what people would be surprised to learn about The Banana, one of the Banana Fam says, "That he's such a great role model."

6. The other Banana Fam figure says, "When we were younger, he taught us how to drive by getting us go-karts. He decided to build a race track in our back yard. He dug up all the bushes himself. Anything to make us smile."

7. The Banana Fam figures say that he's "been through a lot of heartburn in his life, but he's always been able to laugh through anything."

8. We see a mason jar filled with "jam," as well as a car jack, some bolts and some socket wrenches on a table.

9. He reveals his father recently died.

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Darius Rucker, Brett Michaels.

Our Best Guess: The blowfish and the "hoot to have at parties" lead us to agree with Robin Thicke, and we're going to guess Darius Rucker (for now). Or maybe Michaels. It could really easily be Michaels too... this one's hard.

After Episode 6, we're sure it's Michaels. He's got two daughters, his father recently passed away, and all the other clue packages apply as well, including the cowboy hat and blue collar fame.

And the Star Is...

... Rocker, TV star and author Bret Michaels! The singer also spoke with ET on Wednesday and he reflected on his wild, often emotional Masked Singer journey.


Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 1:

1. Her clue package takes place in a women's room and a high school hallway.

2. We see beauty products on a counter, including "Furspray" and some crystals.

3. Says, "When you become famous, people want you to look or act a certain way. They forget that you started off as just a shy little monster."

4. We see a metal key with a tag that reads "FUN."

5. Says, "It didn't take long for me to be misunderstood."

6. Says, "I'm here to set the record straight. Just like my favorite creature in Season 1 did, The Monster.  He made me feel. He re-wrote his story. It was fire."

7. We see a locker with the No. 10 written in red above it, next to a locker labeled '11.' Inside the locker are dozens of photos of The Monster, which she kisses.

8. Says she wants to "follow in [The Monster's] furry footsteps."

9. Says, "But darlin', I feel nervous. Will you still love me without knowing my name?"

-- From Episode 2:

1. Says, "I'm happy people loved my first performance, even without know who I was."

2. Says, "No I can just focus on being an artist."

3. She recreates the nude sketching scene from Titanic, and draws The Monster from Season 1, who asks her to "Draw me like one of your French monsters."

4. She's drawing a butterfly on a piece of paper.

5. We see a Queen chess piece.

6. Says, "People say, 'Miss Monster, Miss Monster, you can't do it all.' But why not try?"

7. We see crayons and colored chalk and a purple fur-covered notebook.

8. Says, "You've gotta stand up for yourself and just dance."

9. Says, "Tonight, I want you to see I'm just like Mr. Monster: Capable of anything and full of love!"

10. Tells the judges that, among her fellow contestants, "I was voted most likely to be in the presence of royalty."

-- From Episode 3:

1. Says, "I love performing under this mask, because I get to prove that true art comes from within."

2. She introduces us to her hair stylist.

3. Her stylist -- who looks like The Monster from Season 1, but with a mustache -- says Miss Monster is his "spiritual mom."

4. We see a slice of pizza hanging on a clothes line, along with a black-and-white checkered teddy bear with a green scarf,  a pair of white socks and some camo fabric.

5. Her stylist says, "I was intimidated to meet her at first, but like many misunderstood monsters, she wasn't scary at all."

6. Her stylist says he was 18 years old when he became her stylist, after her usual person was late and she needed to get ready for a big event.

7. He says, "All she had was her curling iron in her purse, but I made it work. And trust me, you can't hurry good hair."

8. He says, "Miss Monster has been through a lot, and she hasn't always been seen in the press for who she really is. She's all about spreading love, and that's what she's doing here on the stage."

9. She reveals a Valentines' Day card clue written to Robin: "I only have eye for you. We even had a rendezvous in Sin City."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Chaka Khan, Missy Elliot, Mary J. Blige, Tanya Tucker.

Our Best Guess: Either Tanya Tucker or Chaka Khan. Tucker was born on 10/10, where as Chaka Khan has 10 GRAMMYs and worked with Mary J. Blige (which could account for Miss Monster's line about being "misunderstood").

After the second episode, we're locked in on our Chaka Khan guess. She's known as the Queen of Funk, and also nearly every one of her songs features the word "love" in their titles, which would account for the romance subplots of her clue packages and her "full of love" clue.

And The Star Is...

... Chaka Khan! We totally called it, yet again!



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 4:

1. Says, "Newsflash! My metamorphosis has been anything but typical."

2. The package is in black and white and has a '20s Newsies vibe.

3. We see a newspaper with a headline that reads "Tadpole plucked from large creek" and "Toad's Crazy Ride Begins," as well as "Frogs Are Jumping! Frogs Are Jumping!"

4. The VERY fine print on the paper suggests The Frog "had some interesting eating habits, and I'm not just talking about dining on flies."

5. Says, "I leapt to stardom as fast as a lightning bolt. Never had a chance to evolve my image and do things my way."

6. We see a paper bag marked "Leftovers" and some meatballs on the floor.

7. Says, "I was slithering with the big frogs from jump, jump. Just had to fit in and survive."

8. We see a poster for what looks like the Olympics. It reads "1996 Games. 1000-Meter Leap Frog."

9. Says, "But now, I can write my own masterpiece. And showing this new side gives me butterflies in my stomach. But I'm ready to drop the hammer and sing my face off."

10. We see what looks to be an old-school radio mic.

11. The Frog stands news to a wall with a $100 bill,  a $5 bill and a $1 bill (for a total of $106).

12. As the judges point out when he first takes the stage, he seems to be pretty short.

-- From Episode 5:

1. Says, "Last week, I feel like I got a new lease on life."

2. Says, "It makes me wonder! Why haven't I felt like this before?"

3. We see him in an old-timey office with a vintage typewriter on his desk, as well as a basketball and some toy soldier army men figures.

4. On the typewriter, the keys "S," "C" and "I" are highlighted.

5. Says, "From the beginning, I sacrificed so much of myself to be all that in a frog-eat-frog world."

6. We see a picture of a Hollywood Walk of Fame Star and a price tag for $19.00."

7. Says, "[I was] always shootin' to be seen as the prince of my game. And that image took a toll. I almost croaked."

8. The paper in the typewriter says "Not every frog wants to be a Prince."

9. Says, "Last week showed me I could just be me and still be loved, warts and all. So no more golden crown for this prince. I'd rather have the golden mask any day."

10. As for his favorite school subject clue, The Frog says, "My favorite subject was actually PE. That's gym, for those that don't know. The one thing I love about it was the fact that it keeps me in shape, so I can bust these dance moves that make the ladies go crazy."

-- From Episode 6:

1. We see him in a police interrogation room.

2. Says, "Being on that stage has been unusual. But I'm loving every second. And I'm too ribbit to quit."

3. We are introduced to a woman who was with The Frog when his career "jump started" and who was "so instrumental, but barely seen."

4. The Woman, referred to as "Frog's Team Member," is introduced as living in a palatial estate, wearing a fur coat, but is totally invisible.

5. She says, "I've known The Frog since he was a tadpole. I knew immediately that he'd be a superstar."

6. We see a bottle of shampoo and some combs.

7. She says, "I looked out for him when he was in L.A. and even then he had an entourage."

8. She says she remembers taking him to his first late night talk show, adding, "It was way past his bedtime, but I let it slide."

9. She says he was "cool, calm and collected, way beyond his years," and that she's "impressed with the man Frog has become."

10. She says, "Life hasn't always been easy for him, but he's persevered and paved the way for so many people. I couldn't be more proud."

11. He gives a bracelet to T-Pain that says "All We Do Is Win."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Bow Wow, Alfonso Ribeiro

Our Best Guess: This one is tough, but we're gonna make a left-field guess and suggest Wanya Morris of Boyz II Men, based mainly on the fact that they performed live at the 1996 Olympics. This one is, admittedly, a long shot.

Eh, we're pretty sure we were wrong. Bow Wow seems like the best possibility. He had an album called The Price of Fame that came out when he was 19 (hence the "fame" star with the $19 price tag). He also hosted 106 & Park (hence the $106 clue from Week 4). The basketball clue could be referring to his movie Like Mike. There's just a lot going on there



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 4:

1. Says, "Just like a mouse, I am small and cute."

2. We see the mouse cheering on some football players practicing on a field, using a little megaphone.

3. Says, "Don't let my size fool you, my presence is larger than life."

4. Says, "I've always been a leader in my field."

5. Says, "I wrote the playbook." And we see a white board with the words, "Bang Bang Formation." Also, the cardinal directions "N, W, S" are all written in blue, and the "E" is in orange."

6. Says, "As much as I love calling the shots and showing everyone who's the boss, I also love having a walk-on role to play."

7. We see two football player with jersey numbers 19 and 79, and the team name is "Warriors."

8. Says, "They say, 'Don't sweat the small stuff.' But now that I'm putting myself in, you should Because I never accept anything less than gold."

9. We see gold pompoms.

-- From Episode 5:

1. Says, "The stage is like my second home, and I'm having a ball up there. So I feel more determined than ever to stay anony-mouse."

2. Says, "When I leave my good job in the city, there's no place like my home squeak home."

3. We see a few of The Mouse's home decorations, including a framed drawing of praying hands and a bronze rhino bust.

4. Says, "You'd think I ought to take a break, but I still have more stories to tell. And why quit something that still feels exciting and new?" 

5. Says, "I truly cherish my rare time off to catch up on my favorite things: Starting a good romance novel, a little needle point - my secret talent -- and a wine and cheese to bond with my friends like you."

6. We see her eating what look to be Brazil nuts.

7. Says, "Thanks for stopping by my mouse pad, but now it's time for this Hostess With the Mostest to get her game face on, because their ain't no stopping me now!"

8. As for The Mouse's favorite subject in school, "It was actually math. My dad told me, 'Well you look at those numbers, and you know that those numbers represent your money.'"

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Dionne Warwick

Our Best Guess: We're also on board the Dionne Warwick bandwagon. She's 79 (like the jersey from the clue package) and also, it's what Robin guessed, and when it comes to knowing the voices of legendary singers he's got a good track record.

And The Star Is:

... Dionne Warwick! We totally called it! As did all of the panelists, except for Ken Jeong (who suggested it was Tina Turner).



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 1:

1. His clue package takes place inside a mad scientist's laboratory.

2. There's a periodic table of elements on the wall, and the show's Men in Black running around in lab coats. They point to the elements Pt (the symbol for Platinum).

3. Says, "What makes the perfect Masked Singer? One part creativity, and one part drive."

4. We see one of the scientists crashing a toy skateboard into a toy fire truck.

5. Says, "I relate to robots, because I've always felt the need to put on a tough outer shell. I think that makes me come across as inhuman, and it's stunted my potential."

6. Says, "I've had my fare share of fame in certain circles, but I'm here to tip the scales, and show that I can be relatable to everyone."

7. Says, "I really do have a heart and love to give."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: N/A

Our Best Guess: Revealed before we had a chance to guess! But from the costume alone, we were hoping Bill Nye, the science guy. It wasn't him, though.

And The Star Is:

... Lil Wayne! The rapper shocked the judges -- who had no idea it was him -- and revealed that he chose to perform as The Robot because he knew his kids would enjoy it.



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 1:

1. Says, "Like most of you watching, I'm a survivor."

2. We see a cardboard sign on a pole that reads "Outback" as she wanders through dusty terrain.

3. Says, "I recently lost a person who held my family's heart together. Then, by my own admission, I found myself in the spotlight fall all the wrong reasons."

4. We see two paparazzi pull out cameras and start snapping pics

5. Says, "I'm here to do what Kangaroos do best: bounce back."

6. We see a small gramophone in a tree, which could be represent a GRAMMY Award.

7. Says, "I have to fight for my family, and show them that bullies never win."

8. Says, "I am beyond terrified. I've never done anything like this before. But I'm not about to lose the chance to realize a dream I've always had."

9. Says, "To all you survivors out there, this one's for you."

10. "One of my greatest fears is being vulnerable, and this year I've had no other option but to be vulnerable," The Kangaroo shared after her performance. "But in this costume, I can get my super powers back."

-- From Episode 2:

1. We see a sign that says "Kangaroo Kourt." (Implying she was unfairly judged or convicted by someone about something, perhaps in the court of public opinion? But also possibly a Kardashians reference?)

2. Says, "Keeping it 100, recently it seems like I've been watching my life from the sidelines. And to be honest, it's scary putting myself in the spotlight again."

3. Says, "Sometimes it feels like everyone is against me. But I know I just need to have courage and get back in the game."

4. We see some cosmetics and make-up on a bench.

5. She plays basketball with a bunch of guys wearing the number 23 on all their red jerseys.

6. Says, "I'm already feeling more confident, and I'm determined to make the most of this fresh start."

7. One of the people playing basketball has the name "Deejay" on his jersey.

8. Says, "I'm owning this underdog story and I'm not pulling any punches."

9. She kicks a person in the face and a cartoon blue bird (like a Twitter logo) flies around his head.

10. She says, 'Plus, I gotta be a role model for my little 'roo! This is my time to fight back. There's no way I'm going home now."

11. Tells the judges that, among her fellow contestants, "I was voted most likely to appear on a list with Seal and Mike Tyson, and I may have been."

-- From Episode 3:

1. Says, "I'm so humble to be here in the Group A championships. I wasn't sure I'd make it this far."

2. Says, "I feel empowered to fight my way into the Super Nine!"

3. She introduces her younger brother, who's costume is just a potted plant over his head.

4. He says, "The Kangaroo is my older sister by only one year, but honestly, I've always looked up to her."

5. He says she was "a bit of a drama queen in her teenage years."

6. In a garden patio, we see a toy model airplane hanging from the ceiling, as well as a boom microphone.

7. He says she's "the most resilient person I know."

8. He says, "When tragedy hit our family, she was the glue that held us all together. And since then, we've only gotten closer."

9. We see a yarn statue of an angel standing  on the floor in the corner.

10. He says, "Her grace under pressure and ability to rise above the haters is always something I've admired."

11. We see an old parasol in the background.

12. He's says he "could be more proud," and adds, "I love you sis! Knock 'em dead tonight."

13. The Kangaroo reads a Valentine's Day card clue to Leah Remini: "We've sat at the same table, and your courage has inspired me."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Jordyn Woods, Bindi Irwin, Lauren London, Demi Lovato.

Our Best Guess: This is easily the hardest one to guess thus far, but let's just say Bindi Irwin. Mostly because we'd love for it to be her (even though it doesn't sound like her), but also because she was on Dancing With the Stars, and The Masked Singer has a shocking amount of overlap between those show.

After the second episode, we're switching up our guess (but keeping our original up and struck-through for transparency). It seems that Jordan Woods is the best bet, now. Not all the clues make total sense, just yet, but the cosmetics, the "Kangaroo Kourt" and the "little 'roo" clue all seem to point to Woods.

And The Star Is:

... Reality star and actress, Jordyn Woods! ET inteviewed Woods after her elimination, and she opened up about her musical plans for the future and who inspired her to sign up for the show.



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 1:

1. Is super tall.

2. His clue package takes place in what appears to be a high school.

3. Says, "Ready to meet your next champion?"

4. Says, "My whole life, I've sought out perfect. So choosing a mask with unlimited power like the White Tiger was a no-brainer."

5. Strikes intimidating poses.

6. Says, "I've had a GIANT career, full of accomplishments. But when I imagine being on stage signing, I'm a big ol' scaredycat."

7. Shows off a golden clam shell trophy, next to a plaque that says, "Ultimate Champion for Clam Shell Shucking. 51 Clams."

8. Says, "It's been a while since I did something that scared me. So I'm here to conquer yet another challenge."

9. We see a board that says 'Masked Singer Tryouts 5/3."

10. Says, "What's my motivation? My fans! I don't want to let them down," while taking a selfie with one of the show's Men in Black.

11. We see a poster with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin with the quote "Four score and Seven Years Ago..."

12. Says, "I'm ready to get in that ring and smash the competition! Let's party."

-- From Episode 2:

1. Says, "I had no idea how much work would go into taking a stage like this."

2. His clue package takes place in a high school library. There's a "No Talking" sign on a table, and one of the show's Men In Black sleeping at a table.

3. We see a book called "Wild World of Cats."

4. Says, "I'm putting in the time to hone this new craft."

5. We see a blonde woman in a pink sweater in the library! Could this be someone related to the star under the mask? This is new for the clue packages. They usually only have the show's Men In Black in them.

6. Says, "I'm putting in the time to hone this new craft. To put the mass in Mask. 

7. We see a photo of a skiing cow.

8. Says, "My motto is, 'Work hard, play harder.' I'm no stranger to celebrating, I love a good block party. And this may sound kinda crazy, but dancing heals my body after taking a beating. So I'm ready to cut a rug on that stage tonight and tear it up."

9. He rips apart a pinata in the shape of a horse.

10.  Tells the judges that, among his fellow contestants, "I was voted most likely to go to the mat for a friend, and I did, literally!"

-- From Episode 3:

1. Shows off some dance moves, in a segment before his clue package. He's apparently very proud of his dancing prowess.

2. Says, "Look who's still here! Shocked? Me too!"

3. Says, "I knew going into this competition, I was never going to be the best singer. But I wasn't gonna let that stop me. I've always known how to work a crowd, and that's been my strategy here all along."

4. He introduces his old college buddy, who says they were roommates during freshman year. The College Buddy appears to be a bar tender, and has a darboard for a mark.

5. The College Buddy says, "Man was he fun! One time, we met these two smoking hot ladies at the club." He says that White Tiger "knew exactly what to do to edge out our competition" among the other men at the club.

6. The College Buddy says, "He told the girls we were professional dancers, of the Magic Mike variety. And on-the-spot, he and I made up this ridiculous routine. Before we knew it, all the ladies were cheering us on."

7. The College Buddy says, "The other dudes didn't stand a chance. You smell what I'm cooking?

8. On the bar there is a quarter, two empty pitchers and a phone that is off the hook.

9. We see pads of butter partially unwrapped from their foil on the bartop as well.

10. We see a neon sign on the wall that says, "Historic Route 66."

11. The College Buddy says of The White Tiger, "When he commits to something, he doesn't stop till he wins."

12. The White Tiger reads his Valentine's Day card clue to Jenny: "Jenny, I'm wild about you. But I know your husband will appreciate this card even more."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: John Cena, Rob Gronkowski.

Our Best Guess: It's Rob Gronkowski. It just is. It sounds like him, moves like him and just is him. Additionally, he played for the New England Patriots (hence the poster with the presidents), and "Four score and Seven Years Ago" means 87 years ago, and 87 was his jersey number. Additionally, from the second episode's clue package, we're pretty sure the blonde woman is his longtime girlfriend, Camille Kostek. As for the skiing cow picutre, his name is Rob Gron-COW-SKI. It's absolutely Gronk.

And The Star Is:

... Former NFL star Rob Gronkowski! We called this from literally half-way through the first clue package!



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 1:

1. His clue package takes place on a high school race track, along with a few of the show's Men in Black wearing rabbit ears.

2. Says, "At the starting line of my career, I was surrounded by other hungry newcomers. It felt like everyone around me was fighting tooth and nail for the dream. And I watched as too many of those stars burned too brightly, too quickly, and then fizzled out."

3. Waxes a short surfboard while explaining, "I'm The Turtle, because I've always taken it step by step."

4. Says, "Now I feel like I'm ready to break out of my shell."

5. Grills up some hamburgers on a barbeque. 

6. Says, "After years of preparation, I would love to make a big splash. So I don't want anyone to cross that finish line before me."

-- From Episode 2:

1. Says, 'Being here feels like such an opportunity to break out of my shell."

2. The clue package takes place in a high school cafeteria.

3. Says, "People have always expected me to act in a certain way. That really tests me! I want to rebel from all that."

4. We see a menu with "Seafood De Jour - Dover Sole. Slow-Cooked Beets. Ginger Snaps."

5. He pulls the fire alarm and rocks out, playing air guitar with a baseball bat.

6. He gets detention and has to write, "Don't Rave Ever At My School" on a black board."

7. He picks up an inflatable orange guitar.

8. Says, "You can punish me all you want for being myself, but if I want to sing a love song, I'm gonna sing a love song."

9.  Tells the judges that, among his fellow contestants, "I was voted most likely to hunt for booty. And I have, often."

-- From Episode 3:

1. Says, "I'm having a shell of a good time on this show being whoever I want."

2. This week, we start meeting costumed contestants' family and friends, who are also costumed. The Turtle introduces us to his 9th Grade bio teacher, "Ms. S."

3. Ms. S -- who's mask is a set of books, and it's freaky -- has an office full of decorations incluidng animal skulls and a butterfly and a heart in a jar.

4. She's got a chalk board with the symbols for Alpha and Omega.

5. Ms. S says, "He's the most driven student I've ever had."

6. We see a map with a pin in Seoul, South Korea.

7. Ms. S says, "Turtle, good luck on the show. I hope you have the time of your life."

8. We see a bat inside a jar.

9. The Turtle's Valentine's Day card clue is directed toward Nicole: "I'll never forget the morning we spent together. It was turtle-ly awesome."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Jesse McCartney.

Our Best Guess: Also Jesse McCartney. It s It just fits, and it sounds exactly like him. 



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 7:

1. His clue package starts with him in a space shuttle.

2. Says, "I've always dreamed of flying high, because I believe if you want something enough, not even gravity can hold you back."

3. We see a what appears to be a multi-colored Hawaiian lei hanging from the ceiling of the shuttle.

4. Says, "While it's a bit crazy to leave my home planet, I've been hungering for a chance to explore new territories."

5. We see a medical skeleton's foot floating through the air.

6. We see an old-school Harry Potter style broom floating in the air.

7. There's also a red metal tool box floating in the shuttle behind him.

8. Says,  "This voyage may be bumpy, and I may be far from home, but the idea of endless possibilities gets my heart throbbing.

9. Say, "Midway to impact, oh brother, code blue!" right at the spaceship crash lands in the hills.

10. Says, "Not a pitch perfect landing, but I'm here. Now, which way to the stage?

11. He tells the judges, "People say the sky's the limit, but when your an astronaut, the sky is just the beginning. And even though I started at a young age, I feel like I'm just getting started."

-- From Episode 8:

1. Says, "I have a whole new mission now that I'm connecting with the audience on stage!"

2. Says, "I am loving this fresh start as the circle of life keeps spinning."

3. We see him crash landing his space ship once again.

4. He's got a white flag with a small circular image in the center. The image is of the constellation known as Orion's Belt.

5. Says, "I finally feel like I'm getting a foothold in this new world."

6. Says, "When I was young, I was a bright star. But then, I overreached and I got burned. I found myself isolated and so very lonely."

7. We see a hologram projection of The Astronaut from his wrist watch.

8. He's got a bunch of multi-colored mylar balloons strapped to his back.

9. Says, "But in the wild, I kept wandering for what felt like 500 days, using sign language until I found my own voice."

10. We see a projection image of a musical horn instrument.

11. Says, "Now, here I am on an unexpected journey. I'm gonna share my story, sing a song from a dear friend, and prove I do belong." The song The Astronaut ends up singing is Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered."

12. He tells the judges, when asked what his yearbook quote would be, "We can all reach the stars. Sometimes, it just takes a little help from someone from an organized crime family."

-- From Episode 9:

1. Says, "When I started this journey, I never knew how at home I would feel in this space suit. It makes me kind of forget I'm still only human."

2. We are introduced to The Astronaut's "Bro-pilot" who has a moon mask for a head.

3. We see a coffee mug with the words "coffeecoffee" written down the side, and coffee beans surrounding it.

4. We see a pair of black and red dice with the number "5" face up on each.

5. The friend says, "Astro's a great captain. He knows how to lead a crew. But sometimes he can be a total space cadet."

6 The friend recalls, "One time, in front of thousands of people, he took a huge nose dive and fell flat on his face."

7. The friend says, "Anyone else would have said, 'Bye, bye, bye' and called it quits, but not Astro. He got right back up. No stumble can stop him from reaching for the moon."

8. A bonus clue from the group dance number hinted: "I'm all for horses."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Hunter Hayes, Tom Felton, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Our Best Guess: The clue about leaving his home planet to search for the chance to explore new opportunities sounds like it could be someone who moved from one country to another for a chance at fame. So perhaps someone who moved to Hollywood from Europe? Maybe? 

We're pretty sure it's Hunter Hayes. Aside from the fact that is sounds like him, the clue that really gives it away is when his "bro-pilot" says he "took a huge nose dive" in front of thousands of people. Hayes once got a lot of backlash for his performance of the National Anthem before a World Series game in 2016.

And The Star Is:

... Country crooner Hunter Hayes!


Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 4:

1. Says, "In all my wildest dreams, I never imagined I'd be here. Where I feel at home among the weird and the wonderful."

2. Her clue package is also very retro with black-and-white stock footage of a theater and an old-timey audience.

3. We see a man watching The Kitty through opera binoculars as she's on-stage in an old theater.

4. Says, "It's almost like this show is made for me. A little bit of heaven where I can wipe the slate clean as purest snow."

5. We see a clip from an early film of an alchemist looking at the moon through a telescope.

6. Says, "Sometimes it feels lonely because people don't think of me as the person I've become, but the person I once was."

7. Says, "Now, under these lights, among the cream of the crop, I get to start from scratch."

8. There is footage from an old pirate movie featuring sword fighting on the deck of a ship.

9. Says, "Just like a kitty will always find a way to nuzzle into your heart, tonight, for my big debut, I'm going for high drama as I show you why I'm the pick of the litter."

10. We see a red rose frozen and smashing into millions of pieces on the ground.

11. As Jenny says when she first walks out on stage, The Kitty is "itty bitty."\

-- From Episode 5:

1. Says, "Performing as The Kitty for the first time was a veritable fantasy. Like I had been waiting for this moment forever."

2. Says, "It all a bit overwhelming, so I'm taking a second to regroup."

3. We see her in a trendy loft apartment sewing a red gown on a sewing machine.

4. Says, "Sewing is one of my favorite things to do when I needle a little time alone. Whether it's a pillow for someone special, or a modern dress for a family member's ball."

5. Says, "I draw on all that inspires me," as we see her drawing a sketch of a red dress. "As as the fibers intertwine, it's like magic."

6. Says, "Maybe there's something about watching transformations that rings a bell."

7. We see that what she was actually sewing was a red hooded cloak (like, for Little Red Riding Hood).

8. Says, "I've never felt more like myself under this mask, but at the same time I can feel myself growing into something brand new. So tonight, this kitty is showing off a new side of herself."

9 As for her favorite subject in school, The Kitty says it was English, explaining, "I am such a bookworm, and I used to write my own science fiction books and sell them for quarters."

-- From Episode 6:

1. Says, "Last time, I wore my heart on my fur, and the panel loved it!"

2. Says, "Speaking of people who love me for me, my BFF is here to dish out some kitty gossip. Best Felines Forever!"

3. Her "BFF" apparently lives in a mansion. She's costumed with a long neon-green wig that covers her face and gives off a Rapunzel vibe.

4. The BFF says she's known The Kitty since they were little and that "she didn't have a ton of friends and got bullied at school for being weird. But for me, that's always what made her special."

5. We see a jewel-incrusted Fabergé egg resting on a table.

6. We see some ornate candelabras.

7. Her BFF says, "Whether she's writing poems or directing horror movies we would star in, she's always had a flair for the dramatic."

8. Her BFF says, "I'll never forget that one day in class when she said she could see ghosts and scared one girl so badly that Kitty got detention."

9. She says, "She may have the voice of an angel, but it's her dark side that will help her slay the competition."

10. After her peformance, The Kitty gave a bracelet to Robin that says "Fireworks" and explains, "I gave this to you because the first time we met was lit!"

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: So, so many guesses. No one seems to have anything close to a consensus.

Our Best Guess: Um... we'll get back to you after writing a bunch of names on a board and throwing a dart.

Throwing darts didn't really help, but the Episode 5 clue package did, a bit. We think it's either Sarah Hyland from Modern Family. There was a Modern Family reference in the Episode 5 clue package. And, well, look, we're working with what we got here. This one's impossible.

OR, now here us out, it might be Michelle Trachtenberg! She was on Gossip Girl, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Are You Afraid of the Dark?

And The Star Is:

... 20-year-old best-selling singer Jackie Evancho! She also spoke with ET after her elimination and dished on her experience being a part of the show.


Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

--From Episode 7:

1. Says, "The Swan is known for its fierceness."

2. We see her in a tree-filled park area, doing ballerina exercises.

3. There are decorative umbrellas on the ground behind her in the park.

4. Says swans are "One of the only birds that flies despite the burden of the weight they carry across the universe."

5. We see her doing ballet as a coach screams at her through a black megaphone. She takes it from him and screams back in her face before walking off.

6. Says, "I am The Swan, here, because I refuse to get tuned out."

7. Says, "I've played games, I've lived pain, I've seen shame and I claim, on this stage where I came, that you won't know my name."

8. We see one of the Men in Black smile with what appears to be vampire fangs.

9. Says, "I'm someone and no one. I'm re-run and no fun. I'm laughing and screaming and nervous all at once."

10. We see a Man in Black silently screaming.

11. We see a white sheet ghost in a tree branch.

12. Says, "And now I'm euphoric, flush with fever, as I bare my soul to you."

13. One of the Men in Black blows glitter at the camera.

14. She tells the judges she chose the swan because "they can swim at 60 miles an hour, and I live my life in overdrive... "So the only way to get things done is to do them fast!"

-- From Episode 8:

1. Says, "Before my last performance, I was petrified. Afraid to put my long neck out. But I pushed past the nerves and dove in, head first.

2. Says, "Now, it feels like I've fallen down a rabbit hole into the most amazing wonderland."

3. We see a surreal Wonderland-like tea party.

4. Says, "Here's the tea: I know my life seems all new moons and rainbows, but I came from nothing. Only through illusions did I transform my family into a better place."

5. We see her close an empty treasure chest and open it to reveal a huge bunch of rapsberries and colored pearls.

6. We see a glass dolphin sculpture with a tag that says Made In Japan.

7. Says, "To all my fans and followers, I dedicate this performance to you, and a very special someone. I just hope this isn't my swan song."

8. The Swan tells the judges, "I've been the black swan, but against all odds, I've been able to spread my wings for millions to see. It's been magical."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Bella Thorne, Mila Kunis, Anna Kendrick

Our Best Guess: Anna Kendrick was in Twilight (hence vampire fangs?) and maybe have done ballet as a kid, probably? This season is tough, I tells ya!

And The Star Is:

... Actress Bella Thorne!



Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 4:

1. Says, "Like the comfort food I am, I've been a comforting part of your lives for decades."

2. We see a pile of old VHS tapes.

3. Says, "I've got plenty of seasoning, and I'm in a good place."

4. We see a miniature ship anchor sitting on a plate.

5. We see a Rubik's cube in a bowl with some limes and shredded cheese.

6. Says, "My routine can get a bit mild, so I'm here to bust out the buffet and spice things up."

7. We see a trolley car in a refrigerator.

8. Says, "To enchiladas and beyond! Here I go, as fast as I can."

9. Says, "I want to be the last mask standing. I just hope I don't fall apart out there."

10. When he first comes on, Jenny says he "dances a little bit like an older guy."

-- From Episode 5:

1. Says, "So here's the news update, I felt like I was cookin' on that stage and I loved breaking out of my shell."

2. The clue package shows a bunch of Mexican food, including taco shells with a whoopee cushion in one of them. 

3. We see a constellation chart, with the Gemini constellation highlighted.

4. Says, "You may think of me as a buttoned-up mild type, but I actually used to be a bit of a hot head. Until I met the most stunning taco in the galaxy. My jaw dropped, my heart stopped, and everything changed."

5. Says, "She made me the man I am today: a softer taco, filled with love, and blessed with a rich career that I can't even believe is real."

6. We also see a toupee that... like... moves on it's own? And it's on a plate? Not even sure what this surreal image was, but... OK.

7. The Taco says he was "a class clown," adding, "Once, I was put in a closet in the classroom for bad behavior. But I loved it! It meant I didn't have to sit in class."

-- From Episode 6:

1. Says, "So, here's the deal -- I'm loving this secret adventure! This week, while I'm gassing up my tank, they let me spill the beans to a famous friend full of enthusiasm, who you all know!"

2. We see a restaurant menu with the word "MEnu," and the 'ME" are in glittery red ink.

3. The Taco's "Famous Friend" says, "How much do I love taco? Well, I'm sticking my face in a wafting seafood platter for him. That's love." The friend's face is obscured by a multi-tiered tower of shrimp, lobsters and other crustacean finger foods.

4. Says, "We both have something extremely personal in common. We both help people when they get knocked down. When life hits them in low places. And we always find the humor in everything."

5. We see a big bowl of what appear to be baked beans.

6. The Famous Friend says, "It's all about the laughs."

7. We see a washboard hanging on a wall.

8. The Friend says he and The Taco share something else as well: "We both love our children."

9. The Friend says, "Our little shrimps, I'm sure they'd be just as proud as I am to see their role model, Papa Shrimp Taco, in the limelight, doing what he does best: Entertaining you, America!"

10. The Friend says, "Cheers!" while pouring some whiskey from a cup into the seafood platter tower.

11. After his song, The Taco gives a bracelet to Nicole that reads "Kiss," and says, "Not to be corny, but when I saw you in person, you were perfect!"

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Tom Bergeron, Tim Allen, Bob Saget, Seth MacFarlane

Our Best Guess: It's Tom Bergeron. There's really no "guessing" about it. Clue package aside, it sounds exactly like Tom, The Taco has the same sense of humor and mannerisms, and the clues all also line up! (Apart from the Trolley clue that we're still working on...)

And The Star Is...

... Dancing With the Stars host Tom Bergeron! (Totally called it!)


Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 7:

1. Says, "While my exterior may look tough and calloused, I'm really just a gentle giant."

2. Says, "As a young Rhino, I was center stage, the toast of the town every week. But being on top became an addiction."

3. We see him on the cover of different magazines.

4. Says, "When I suddenly wasn't the best, I crashed and burned."

5. We see him get on a red bike which has a flat tire.

6. Says, "I pushed the people closes to me away," while a Man in Black offers him a pitcher of Iced Tea.

7. We see a post card of the guitar sculpture at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville.

8. Says, "I got the help I needed to get back on my ride."

9. Says, "I'm here to take a leap of faith, just outside my comfort zone."

10.  We see him ride his bike up a wooden ramp with a red star and a sign that reads 'FAITH.'

11. There are butterflies on the handlebars on his bike.

12. We see a Man in Black with a short neon blue pixie cut wig.

13. Says, "I'm ready to soar again!"

-- From Episode 8:

1. Says, "You're probably wondering what I'm doing on this plane," as we see him standing on the wing of a retro bi-plane in black and white footage. "Well, after last week's performance, I'm flying high."

2.  Says, "Like being on stage, standing on this plane is wild and nerve wracking. But, I've always been a risk-taker. Which has led to many ups and downs."

3. We see him fall off the wing of the plane and plummet to the groud. As he's falling, he holds up a sign in his hand that reads, "South."

4. Says, "For so long it felt like I was free-falling through life. And just when it felt like I might hit the bottom, I met my wife, my guardian angel."

5. Says that his wife "taught me balance and gave me stability so that I could defy gravity. She saved my life and inspired me to pursue other passions and new risks."

6. We see The Rhino grilling something in a pan while standing on the wing of a plane. He tossed whatever he grilled up to a Man in Black, who is also on the wing. The Man In Black caught the food in a bread roll, and then cuts the role with a knife while wearing a giant diamond ring. It's a super weird series of images and even the panel looks more confused than usual.

7. The Rhino and the Man in Black play tennis while standing on the plane's wings.

8. He tells the judges, "Family is very important for success. Especially when performing for a king is in your blood."

-- From Episode 9:

1. Says, "Despite rising to the top of my field, I've struggled with constant criticism. So coming here and receiving so much praise is beyond humbling."

2. Says, "You people have been by my side through all my ups and downs, just like my college roommate," before introducing us to his masked former roommate.

3. The college roommate has a inflatable beach ball for a head, and says The Rhino was the first person he met at college.

4. He recalled, "We both had never surfed before, but wanted to try it out. We thought it would be  walk in the park, but when we hit the waves, we were terrible at it."

5. We see (hilariously badly photoshopped) footage of Rhino wiping out on a big wave.

6. We see three quarters and an up arrow on the side of a drink cooler.

7. We see a cut-out image of the planet Mars with a cowboy hat on top.

8. The roommate says that Rhino became "a beast" on the waves, and the babes couldn't resist him.

9. The roommate says, "That's just Rhino. When he wants to accomplish something, he'll out-work anyone."

10. We see a blank map of the US with the state of Missouri highlighted.

11. The roommate says that Rhino "might look like a tough beast, but trust me, he's a total softie who wears his heart on his sleeve."

12. A bonus clue from the group dance number hinted: "I do not enjoy long walks by the water."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Trace Adkins, Tim McGraw, Barry Zito

Our Best Guess: The clues about Faith seem too obvious for it to actually be Tim McGraw, but it's the best fit, thus far.

The growing internet theory that The Rhino is baseball player-turned-country singer Barry Zito is making more and more sense. He was a pitcher (hence a pitcher of Ice Tea during one clue package), he sang at the Grand Ole Opry, he co-wrote a song called "Butterflies" (and there were butterflies in one package) and he's 6'2", which also tracks.

And The Star Is...

... former MLB superstar and country music crooner Barry Zito!


Michael Becker/FOX

The Clues:

-- From Episode 7:

1. She's in a bear cave.

2. We see a sign on the wall that says, "Born to hunt."

3. Says, "In my life, I've been both the hunter and the hunted."

4. She has a book with the title, "Don't Wake the Bear."

5. Says, "After years of hearing all the phoney baloney, I'm sick of people not knowing who I really am."

6. Says, "Under this mask, I've found the courage to come out of my cave and face the world head on."

7. We see a par of hockey skates.

8. She calls herself a "Mama Bear" and says she's been in hibernation

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Tonya Harding, Candace Cameron Bure.

Our Best Guess: Too soon to tell.

And the Star Is...

... Sarah Palin, for some reason.


Michael Becker/Fox

The Clues:

-- From Episode 4:

1. Says, "Here's the story about how I became the biggest animal in the kingdom."

2. He's on a street and we see a sign in the background for a "cycle" shop.

3. Says, "I was a calf when I found my calling," while playing on a drum set.

4. Says, "With hard work, I turned my passion into a one-man show."

5. The clue package references stop signs several times.

6. Says, "I went from canvasing park benches to leading the charge of a massive movement, even parading through white houses."

7. Says, "Now I'm ramping up to a new calling."

8. We see two blue jay pinwheels.

9. The Elephant stands -- alongside four of the show's Men in Black- - in front of a flower shop called "Jessica's Flower Bed."

10. Says, "So, to sum it up, go risk it all for what you love and what everyone else says is irrelevant."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: After a first-round elimination, people didn't have a ton of time to guess.

Our Best Guess: It doesn't matter, we never would have got it right from the clue package or the performance.

And The Star Is:

... Skateboarding legend Tony Hawk!



Michael Becker/Fox

The Clues: 

-- From Episode 7:

1. Says, "There's something about the night that's so deliciously mysterious, with it's tendrils in everything, just like me."

2. She's at a Motel.

3. Says, "Like an angel, I've felt deeply blessed my entire life. Doors have always opened for me."

4. We see her open a motel room door marked '4.' Inside are a bunch of men with duck bills making quaking noises.

5.  She uses a Key marked '2' to open a door marked '5' and inside are four Men in Black dressed like grandmas with baseball bats. Or, as Robin puts it, "Gangster grandmas."

6. Says, "While fame has sometimes brought me down like a landslide, I've always been able to find a light."

7. Says, "This positive attitude is my best magic trick, and the key to my successful. But man, I feel like this Angel can't be good all the time. That boy is mine. It's my prerogative to have a little fun, y'all."

8. Opens door No. 6, inside is a rave party which she joins and starts dancing.

9. Says, "Tonight, I've chosen a song that's a little bit dangerous and a little bit sweet, just like me."

-- From Episode 8:

1. Says, "Being on that stage revitalizes my confidence and reminds me of the joy I have for music."

2. Says, "Years ago, I was sitting up in my room surrounded by other angels, but felt lost in the crowd."

3. We see her sitting infront of a hot, glowing fireplace.

4. Says, "I had a thirst for more. So, bang bang, I left my safe space and chose to fall down to Earth."

5. We see her walking down a city street and passing some graffiti of a castle and a strawberry.

6. Says, "Real talk, being on my own was scary. Because I felt rejection for the first time. But I taught myself how to survive."

7. We see her draw a broken heart on a mirror in purple lipstick.

8. Two of the show's Men In Black come out to offer her a pitcher of sweet tea, while the other cools her down with a paper fan.

9. Says, "I hustled, and with hard work and commitment, I built an empire."

10. Says, "Destiny led me back to the stage."

11. She tells the judges, "If you're willing to lend a helping wing, then you too can break barriers."

-- From Episode 9:

1. Says, "Becoming The Night Angel has been so therapeutic. I've been doing this since I was a teen, but I've never felt as free as I do under this mask."

2. She introduces us to a "friend from high school" as her masked friend, who gives us clues about "those early days."

3. Her suit-wearing friend says The Night Angel was working on her career even in high school so she "missed out on a lot," including senior prom.

4. We see an old rotary phone, and it's off the hook.

5. We see shot of an "astronomy quiz" scored with an "A+" with certain answers highlighted. Answers include the words "Craters," "28," "Neil Armstrong," and "Keith Moon."

6. The friend says, "Our graduation conflicted with a huge career opportunity for her, but she refused to miss that day that she worked so hard for."

7. The friend says, "She's always stayed true to herself, despite the fame that's come her way."

8. A bonus clue from the group dance number hinted: "Shhhh... I've always had faith."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Kandi Burruss

Our Best Guess: Basically everyone thinks its Kandi Burruss and that's because it's almost definitely her.



Michael Becker/Fox

The Clues:

-- From Episode 7:

1. We open the clue package looking at a baby doll laying on a metal chair. The T-Rex sits on it as she takes a seat at a table in what appears to be an interrogation room.

2. Says, "Wanna hear the story of my journey? A tale of evolution, of glory, of survival!"

3. We see a paper with the four cardinal directions, with N and W written in larger font and circled in red.

4. Says, "Like the dinosaur, I was discovered by another, who plucked me out of obscurity and into an extraordinary place called T-Rex Island."

5. We see a man digging through pink good inside a crater and pulling out a T-rex toy.

6. There's a lot of pink all around. Pink flowers, and a pink egg. The paleontologist has a pink claw rake a and a pink blanket.

7. We see a bow and arrow on the ground.

8. T-Rex island is described as "a magical world where I was one of dozens of talented creatures pirouetting the land. All similar in looks, strength and skill. A sisterhood of fun and friends."

9. We see two T-Rexs in inflatable rolling balls.

10. We see a gold "U" balloon with a pink and blue star floating in a tree.

11. Says, "Soon, I heard rumors of extinction. That, unless you were special, you were doomed. And then it happened. A cataclysmic event that changed my world forever!"

12. We see a bunch of asteroids strike T-Rex island.

-- From Episode 8:

1. Says, "OMG, being The T-Rex is dy-no-mite!"

2. We see a pink globe with a pink frilly conical princess hat strapped to the top.

3. She goes back to talking about the meteor strike on T-Rex island, from last week's clue package, and says that after the impact she was "devastated to see only singles and doubles of us were left."

4. Says, "I didn't want my career to go downhill fast! My heart was beating like a bumblebee."
5. Says, "To survive, I had to diversify. No one wants to be a one-hit wonder."

6. She says that, because of The Masked Singer, her dreams of stardom are "finally within my little arms' reach."

7. Says, "This is my one shot, and I double dare you to stop me!"

8. She tells the judges, "If you dream big your face can be everywhere, and you'll never go extinct! Unless a meteor hits."

-- From Episode 9:

1. Says, "I've been working my tail off."

2. She introduces us to someone close, and says to "listen up as he serves you the inside scoop."

3. The friend, who is on a private jet and whose mask is a tray of airplane food, says he's "spent a lot of time with T-Rex."

4. He says, "We worked together, we traveled together, and let me tell you -- she subscribed to the idea that there is no off day."

5. We see some boomerangs resting on a couch.

6. He says, "I've never met anyone so meticulous, especially someone her age."

7. He says, "Even though she's young, she's got fans of all ages" and that she "knows how to win over a crowd."

8. He drops a pair of red wax lips into a large jar of water next to two toy tanks.

9. A bonus clue from the group dance number hinted: "I occasionally party with teddy bears."

The Internet's Most Popular Guesses: Jojo Siwa

Our Best Guess: This is another instance in which the Twitter masses are almost certainly correct. Everything about The T-Rex's clue packages, color scheme, dance movies and general personality indicate its Jojo Siwa. The only ones who can't see it are the judges.

And The Star Is:

... Former Dance Moms star, singer and YouTuber JoJo Siwa -- whom we spoke to after her elimination on why she chose the T-Rex costume and how she felt about her time on the show.

The Masked Singer airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Fox. ET will be following along each week with a Masked Singer after-show every Wednesday night.

Check out the video below for more on this season of The Masked Singer.