Jon Cryer Honored to Receive Star on Walk of Fame

Jon Cryer Honored to Receive Star on Walk of Fame

Jon Cryer, Hollywood's newest inductee into the Walk of Fame club, had many in attendance when he received his star today and the Two and a Half Men star seemed moved by the monumental achievement.

"The people I revered as a kid, to be a part of this industry that I loved growing up... it is an incredible honor," Jon said during his speech. "It means so, so much to me."

Jon's wife and family were on hand for the event, along with Men co-stars Ashton Kutcher and Angus T. Jones, Carl Reiner and CBS sitcom sage Chuck Lorre, who probably summed up the latest Walk of Fame addition in the best way possible.

"I have long believed that we as human beings are genetically inclined to elevate and worship those of us we deem to be very beautiful or very talented," Lorre said. "Jon Cryer is both."

Click the video to see footage from today and hear Jon's response to Charlie Sheen's Emmy appearance!