Artist Corie Mattie Creates a Mural to Honor Betty White With a Charitable Component for Wagmor Pets

Artist Corie Mattie painted a mural to honor Betty White's legacy as an animal advocate.

Be more like Betty. Artist Corie Mattie created a mural on Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood, California, in honor of the late Betty White.

The painting features a picture of White with a 'Be More Like Betty' slogan, and a QR code that gives people an opportunity to scan and donate directly to Wagmor Pets, a non-profit dog rescue organization.

"I originally planned to find a wall to paint Betty White for her 100th birthday, but two days later, Betty passed away. I knew I had to act fast and add an extra giveback component so onlookers could donate to a cause close to Betty’s heart for her birthday," Mattie tells ET. 

The reason the artist chose Wagmor Pets as her organization of choice was because the actress famously supported animal rescues.

Wagmor Pets on behalf of Corie Mattie

"Betty was such a huge advocate for animal welfare that raising money for a dog rescue was the best gift I could give to her. ... Wagmor Pets' mission is to promote kindness to animals, which aligns so well with what Betty White portrayed through her animal advocacy," Mattie explains.

"I think each of us can do a little something each day. Not everyone has the ability to adopt, foster or donate, but each of us has the ability to be kind to animals and educate people who are not," Melissa Bacelar, owner of Wagmor Pets, notes.

As for the 'Be More Like Betty' phrase, Mattie hopes to encourage people to spread kindness, just like White did.

"Be More Like Betty ultimately means strive to be the best version of yourself and to leave this world better than you found it," Mattie shares.

"Over her 99 years, Betty White was and still is a model human being. From her sense of humor to her passion for activism, her life will continue to be an inspiration for generations to come. As a female trailblazer in the entertainment industry, she has empowered women to be bold in situations where odds are against them," she adds.

Mattie and Bacelar also teamed up to sell T-shirts with the mural drawing and QR code, where 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Wagmor Pets.

Additional ways to pay tribute to White's legacy include participating in the #BettyWhiteChallenge, a hashtag that encourages people to donate to their local animal rescues and shelters for White’s 100th birthday on Jan. 17, 2022.