EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Paulson Opens Up About Having Kids of Her Own at Family Equality Council's Impact Awards

The actress also touches on her relationship with Holland Taylor.

Sarah Paulson won’t back down when it comes to fighting for the rights of LGBT parents.

“It certainly seems to me like a fundamental right that we should be able to raise our children however they come into our lives,” the actress tells ET. “With love, and grace, and dignity, and legal right to do so.”

The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story
star stepped out over the weekend for the Family Equality Council’s Impact Awards. She was a co-chair of the event.

WATCH: Sarah Paulson Lovingly Supports Girlfriend Holland Taylor at Her Broadway Opening Night

“I can't think of a better cause to be associated with,” she says. “It's really a confounding thing to me, that this is even something we have to have a conversation about. I mean, to quote Lin-Manuel Miranda, isn't love is love is love is love? I don't really know... seems kind of unconstitutional to tell me that I can't raise a child.”

Just because Paulson, 42, thinks about the rights to having a child doesn’t mean she’ll be having one. It also doesn’t mean she won’t.

“Jury’s out,” she admits. “I don’t know. I’m getting a little old, so there’s cobwebs going on in them ovaries. So, we’ll see what happens.”

WATCH: Holland Taylor Passionately Raves About 'Wonderful Love' Sarah Paulson

Paulson has been in a happy relationship with fellow actress Holland Taylor, 74, for more than a year now. Unfortunately, Taylor was unable to make it to the event.

“It would’ve been [date night],” Paulson shares. “She had something happen with a friend, so I decided to let her go and I would do this one on my own.”

For more from our chat with Paulson, check out the video below.