'Biggest Loser' Contestant Receives Scary News

'Biggest Loser' Contestant Receives Scary News

Tipping the scale at just over 400 lbs isn't the only worrisome news given to Biggest Loser contestant Buddy during his routine tests for the show. The pastor from Wayne, Michigan is about to discover the real life toll the excess pounds have taken on his 42-yr-old body. 

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Suffering from a buildup of deadly plaque within the walls of his heart, the doctor warns Buddy that if his heath fails to improve, he may not have very much time left to share with friends and family.

The Biggest Loser kicks off just two days after we ring in the New Year, offering the perfect opportunity for us to join in on the new cast's "get healthy" resolutions while losing some of those holiday pounds.

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Season 13 of The Biggest Loser premieres on January 3.